In the Heart of the Heart of another Moment

Alexandra Waierstall

IN THE HEART OF THE HEART OF ANOTHER MOMENT is a unique creation developed in the presence of the sculptor „Arena“ (a 66-foot-high modular grandstand by Rita McBride) and performed in its absence.

It is a work developed for a series of multiple cities with a changing number of dancers performing, each work becoming an edition of sorts, a bespoke work for and with each location.  Developed with a dynamic range of finely attuned dancers, against a musical score (music: Volker Bertelmann, light: Caty Olive) it reflects the spirit, the democratic principles and different modalities of the „Arena“.

In this new work for Düsseldorf the rapidly changing and technological developments of our times is confronted with a deep concept of single bodies as part of a group touching upon themes of attentiveness and human intuition. The work emphasizes the delicate interplay of the body’s softness and strength, moving us as contemporary societies into the future.

Choreografie, Konzept: Alexandra Waierstall. Tanz, Kollaboration: Olivia Ancona, Baptiste Bersoux, Alfonso Bordi, Ying Yun Chen, Dodzi Dougban, Lisa Hellmich, Scott Jennings, Amy Josh, Thusnelda Mercy, Panos Paraschou, Ioanna Paraskevopoulou, Eftychia Stefanou, Karolina Szymura, Will Thompson. Dramaturgische Begleitung: Matthias Quabbe. Komposition: Volker Bertelmann. Lichtdesign: Caty Olive. Bühne: Caty Olive, Alexandra Waierstall. Kostümdesign: Alexandra Waierstall, Horst Weierstall. Künstlerische Produktionsleitung/Management: Judith Jaeger. Kommunikationsmanagement/Distribution: Amy Josh. Produktionsassistenz: Alfonso Bordi.

Eine Produktion von Noema Dance Works e.V. in Koproduktion mit dem tanzhaus nrw Düsseldorf. Gefördert durch das Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (Spitzenförderung Tanz 2024-2026), Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf, Kunststiftung NRW und Kunst- und Kulturstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf.
Uraufführung 27.09.2024, tanzhaus nrw Düsseldorf